Find Your Calling…

One of our guiding principles in ministry is that every follower of Christ has a calling to Preach the Gospel and make Disciples of those they reach. Based upon this belief we attempt to create ministry that allows you to walk in the calling on your life.

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House Church

House Church exists to create something different than what the average person thinks of when it comes to Church.

With Downtown New Port Richey as our center for ministry and gathering, our house churches meet throughout the week in New Port Richey, Port Richey, Trinity, Hudson and will soon bridge to Spring Hill, Brooksville, Land O Lakes and Lutz.

Although each house church is unique, they all share a few pieces. House Churches all share: The Word of God, Prayer, Discussion and Food!

For the Pandemic we have launched House Church “Relocated” and have pulled the groups together at the Journey Church building for Dinner and a time of Bible Study every other Wednesday night.

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Student Ministry

Journey Church practices what we call “Church as Family.” Part of what that means is including our students in the ministry that we do. Whether it is our “Gathering,” “House Church,” “Missions,” or everything in between we want our students to engage and be equipped alongside our older generations.

Our students also have groups to call their own both on Sunday and throughout the week. These groups meet in our church building as well as homes and are separated by age.

All of our student ministries have began meeting face to face and will continue to meet while practicing safe standards of public health.



We believe that as followers of Christ we are called to be actively engaging in missions both locally and “To the ends of the Earth” (Matthew 28:18-20). Our international mission trips are planned years in advance and fundraising is always happening.

Journey Church NPR also supports several missionaries already working in the field. Their updates and newsletters can be found on our various social media pages.

We are proud to support JoHoHo (Journey of Hope Home and School) of Kenya, Africa. For more information on how to give to support this Christian Home and School please contact us via the “Connect” Page.